
Monday 14 April 2014

Sonny's empathy collage

         Empathy collage

What does empathy mean:Put yourself in their shoes-connect-others-help-feel-look.

Our teacher Miss Paget set class 5 a task to do the task was a empathy poster in the 45 mins.
The poster had to relate to the pictures and to show what empathy means to you and others.We have to write on the poster words like connect and help,others,look and feel this is related to empathy.On the poster we had images that we got of the internet,and it  look likes empathy.

The instruction that we got from our teacher.Were to get one bit of A1 size of paper each from the teachers desk, there were pastils at each group of desks.Miss Paget printed off the images that we got off the internet and we got them off her desk.

When we finished the task Miss Paget set for class 5 one of the students walk around the class grabbing the colleges and put them on her disk.


Why is the moon upside down.?

Why is the moon upside down well I will well you why, well this is why the moon s upside down because we are at the bottom of the earth which would make us look at it from upside down. As Japan they are at the tiptop of earth so they would likely be looking at it straight on so it would look different to them,but not much different to us.

When did you know that New Zealand saw the moon upside down.any counter in the southern hemisphere see the moon upside down.In the nothern hemisphere they see the moon how Japan see the moon, not upside down.

do you know what looks different        
Nz                                                            Japan

Sonny's Math DLO WALT use 5 times tables to work out other multiplication questions.