
Friday, 22 August 2014



In class 5 we are learning about the primary colours. (how many primary colours are there?) Well there are three colours they are the following blue, yellow and red. We had to make the warm and cold colours from the three colours that our teacher gave us. We had to fill the hole chart that looks like the one on this page. This is how we made different colours we mixed with the three main colours. The colours we made was red, blue makes purple and blue yellow makes green, yellow, red makes orange ect.

The secondary colours. (what are the secondary colours and how many are there?) So secondary colours are the result of mixing the two primary colours to make the colour that you want. All the secondary colours are green, violet, orange. We was drawing building with hot and cold and colours hot with the background or on the building so the cold is the opposite so it stands out.

The tertiary colours made by mixing either one primary colour with one secondary to get the nice clear coat of a mixed colour like a yellowy green it looks good on art work. By the way that is what class five is learning about is  primary colours, secondary colours and last but not least tertiary colours. I think this makes our work more effective to the viewers.
Screenshot 2014-08-22 at 10.54.00.png

Well this has been a fun experience with the class five. Its been hard at times and fun I hope that we get to do this again so I can do it better and put more work into it so it looks like the real thing. I hope you liked it please leave a comment on my blog.   




1 comment:

  1. I can see you now know where colours come from and how we mix them to make other colours.


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