
Monday, 30 June 2014

Sonny's term 2 reflection.

                          Term 2 reflection.

Ultimately for this term its been ok. Its been hard at times like our sound instruments that had to be finished last week. But not much kids in class 5 finished their instruments.We had tech think planner to make our instruments. It has to make three different sounds one of the sounds has to be a c note.

One of the other things we had to make this term was our college . We had to draw an outline of a instrument. I draw a triangle and we had to fade the colours into each other. Start off with black thin orange and black mixed thin just orange fade to red thin at the end fade to white and orange.

The thing that was the highlight of the term was science with Mr Barks we got to experiment with solid, liquid and gas. We got to boil coke a cola until it was sugar. Also we got to experiment with a burning can and thin you drop it face down in water room temperature thin it will shrivel up in a blink of an eye.    

Friday, 27 June 2014

Sonny's Plant and Food Research Science Visit.

Plant and Food Research Science Visit.

Today we had special visit from Plant and Food Research. Class 5,4 and 3 had to meet the three visitors in the street. The three important visitors gave us their names Jacob,Lara and Lora. Plant Food Researcher make different sorts of fruits and flowers.   

Meanwhile the first experiment was how they manipulate the juices of household obedeces like mr muscle,cabbage juice and vinegar. They do this to see what one has the most bass and acid to make it taste better. The one with the most assed  will take over and stay the same colour.

Looking at Jacob with the second experiment in the box there was dry ice and a glass jug full of water. He puts protective gloves on so he can handle the dry ice. He grabs a handful of the dry ice and put it  in the jug then it creates gas. Dry ice is made of cabondeoxside been frozzen way below zero.       

Eventually it came to and end, with the last experiment. When the visitors had to mix different sorts of liquids to make a gunge. That was a solid and a liquid. If you squeeze the gunge it becomes a solid, but when you leave the gunge it becomes a liquid.  

Afterwards Jacob ask us if we had any questions some people put there hands up. And someone ask if they like their job and they said yes. The people that put their hand up for the questions got a bit of the gunge, but at the end I got a little bit off Jacob.     

Monday, 23 June 2014

Sonny home alone.

                     Home alone.

One dark and raining night as the winter breeze blows under the front door. At that time I was thinking that someone was there, at my front door.However when I went to look I hear a bang. In the kitchen. I stopped and did not want to move a muscle. I heard footsteps running fast it slows down as it gets to the living room door. Then It comes closer and I look with tears in my eyes the cat whats the cat doing inside the house.After that I went into the kitchen, and the bin was tipped over “that was what the bang was”.

As soon as I put the cat outside. I walk to the  living room to watch t.v. I heard a knock at the door. I thought not to open it, but as I get to the door I took a peek through the window and know one was there. I soon thought that it was my dad trying to trick me.But there was and another  knock at the door I thought that someone was trying to rob the house.

Meanwhile I went to make me an ice cream to get over all of this. It was chocolate.Soon as I watch t.v taking the first bite of the ice cream I heard the window slam close.I went to look and nothing was there. At that moment I heard a knock at the door again I went to look and it was my dad. And when he came home I felt safe and went to bed.            


Monday, 16 June 2014

A.F.L at ptengland school.


On thursdays we have (A.F.L) Australian Football League.Our coach is Tim he has been showing us how to do moves like a drop punt Ice cream scoop.The rules he gave us was lasis away from faces that means the lasis on the ball away from your face. And the other rule was point your toe where you want it to go, so if you point your toe at the person and kick the ball and it will go that way.

At the start we did warm ups like traffic lights its a game and this is how you play. You have to run around the hall when he say high way we run fast when he says redlight we stop.And the other games like stuck in the mud but that was the week before we had Tim.

We also have it this week as well and it is fun because he showed us how to pass better than I could.This week on thursday I think we have a different coach. Because befor Tim we had a girl coach her name was Emily on that day we were outside on the field, but when we had Tim we was in the hall.

We were there for  45 mins it didn't feel that long but it was fun that is why it was so fast because it was a good time.Then we had to go back to class for morning tea.      


Monday, 9 June 2014


Swimming at glen innes aquatic center.


Every day this week until friday we are going swimming at the Glen Innes aquatic center.We walk down because its down the road from our school. If we do not bring our togs  we have to do line or, we have to wear these ugly swim shorts. But if we bring the medical note we don't have to swim.

We have already  gone swimming. But our class was just taking over another class swimming time because they weren't  going on there time.
Its not fun swimming I don't like it because its too hot at the pools so I don't know why we right lines.

We walk back to school  at five mins to three oclock. When we get back to class we have to wait in our class until our teacher comes back. Then the bell went then we went home.