
Thursday, 20 November 2014

Sonny Self Management a Reflection.

In our class we have levels for managing ourselves properly. One is that we have to stay within arms reach of the teacher, two is we have to stay in the same room as the teacher, 3 we can be where ever we want and the teacher will trust us to be on the right thing. I am a level one, but I am working hard to get to level 3. To earn my trust.  And  I have been working hard to get a level 3 high standard.

I have been trying to manage my time and behaviour. I have notice that when I am around people I don't finish my work. So when I work I need to be by myself and i’ll do better work. Also I will manage my self better and do more work to high standard. I don't really need help its just me talking to my mates make me stop doing my work. So next time I won't work by my mates because it will slow me down, in school and all other subjects.

I have been taking charge of my netbook in and outside of school. I always make sure that it has been charged before I go to school or the library. I clean it a lot , like heaps. I also never have drinks around it for cortionnal reasons, like if it had spelt it all over my netbook “which I have before, it was not good”. At  the end of the day I put it in my netbook in its bag to take home. Then when I get home I put it in a safe place, on top of my draws on charge.

This has bring me to my conclusion. My goals for the rest of the term is to do all my tasks set to high standards no matter if its reading, writing, maths or inquire.  Because I want to get in a smart class in Wellington next year. So that is my main goal to finish all my task. And I will try to do all the task and would not give up.  

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Sonny's tapa cloth.

my tapa.jpg

We are learning all about cultural designs, and one of the art our teacher chose was a tapa cloth. It is too complicated to make with all of the year 8s-7s block, so we made it on a brown paper bags. All the stuff you need to make a tapa paper bag, crayons, yellow, brown,black. And all different shades. You must have dye colour of brown, now this is a must have it won't look effective unless you have brown dye. It will be better if you got a design all planned out before u start it will help you. And this was my finished product.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Sonny's year 8s camp writing !!

We just recently had year 8 camp, on Tuesday the 28th October. We had a long, but fun trip, to the exciting Marsden Bay Camp. It was a two to three hour trip, but I slept most of the way there and back. Along the way we had a stop, to go for a bushwalk. before we got to Waipu cove  students had to take their shoes off, and walk through the stream, but it was not deep like knees high. When we had got to the other side of the stream, we our year 8s put all their shoes back on ready for the walk long ahead of us.

As we had just got to the end of the walk, the long and tiring one, that i’ll thought I would make, I was one of the first ten people there. So we had to wait for all the other year 8s to make it to the end. As they were all there, we were wiping our shoes all over the grass, because of all the mud we got on ourselves.

After that we had a little walk down to the beach where the bus was waiting, but we was not at the camp site at this time. So we just kicked back at the beach and ate lunch, as we were finished we got to go for a swim, but the teachers out in the water as well as us. The swim was like 30 min max and was not allowed to go over our head deep, just like chest deep, but we still had fun.

In the end we had made it to Masson point, so we packed our cabin with our stuff. Then the owner of the camp showed us, the year 8s around the camping site, where and where not to go without a adult. There was heaps of cool thing like a big as, water slide and a flying fox, and much more etc. So by the time we were finished talking about the rules, we got ready for dinner.
then after the dinner, we had putting, it was delicious. Then we got ready for our first night sleep there at the camp site.

I woke up it was a nice day, ready to do all the activities that the teachers had gavin us. But first we had breakfast, we had cereal, then the hot foods like spaghetti on toast and milo. The first activity that we did was surf education, we learnt about rips and currents, and how to know where one is. All we had to look for to find a rip was, to look for the calm patches in the water. When to know when the rip stops, well u look for the last set of waves and that is where it normally stops, unless its a under toe, that will pull you under the water.

The rules in and around water, don’t swim if you're tired or sick because if you get pulled out to sea you might not have the right amount of energy to swim back to the shaw. another reason not to swim is if there is no life guards, and you have dalt, trust your self it could save your life. The life guards told us some other rules, is slip, slop, slap, wrap.

Now this has bring me to my conclusion. Follow the rules to be water smart. Well on the last day we cleaned out our cabins, and got ready for the bus. All the year 8s was going to the hot pools, they was so so flash, they had a movie pool, lava pool, and it was so hot that I could not put my feet in. So we was on our way back to school, and we had to unpack all our bags from the bus and got ready to go home.    


Friday, 17 October 2014


This is my avatar we do this so that we can put it on one of three levels. One is you have to be 2-3 meters away form the teacher. Two is you can be any where in the same room with the teacher. Three you can be any you want. So i will be 3. This is my avatar.

Friday, 22 August 2014



In class 5 we are learning about the primary colours. (how many primary colours are there?) Well there are three colours they are the following blue, yellow and red. We had to make the warm and cold colours from the three colours that our teacher gave us. We had to fill the hole chart that looks like the one on this page. This is how we made different colours we mixed with the three main colours. The colours we made was red, blue makes purple and blue yellow makes green, yellow, red makes orange ect.

The secondary colours. (what are the secondary colours and how many are there?) So secondary colours are the result of mixing the two primary colours to make the colour that you want. All the secondary colours are green, violet, orange. We was drawing building with hot and cold and colours hot with the background or on the building so the cold is the opposite so it stands out.

The tertiary colours made by mixing either one primary colour with one secondary to get the nice clear coat of a mixed colour like a yellowy green it looks good on art work. By the way that is what class five is learning about is  primary colours, secondary colours and last but not least tertiary colours. I think this makes our work more effective to the viewers.
Screenshot 2014-08-22 at 10.54.00.png

Well this has been a fun experience with the class five. Its been hard at times and fun I hope that we get to do this again so I can do it better and put more work into it so it looks like the real thing. I hope you liked it please leave a comment on my blog.   




Thursday, 31 July 2014

Moviefest !

                                          Moviefest !

Today 32 students from pt england school got the privilege to attend the moviefest in Auckland city. And watch animations from around the world. We got to the city by bus. As we got inside the theater I looked up at the roof and it looked like it was night time. There was stars on the roof. So we had to wait for 30 mins till the presenter came to the stage.
The 30 mins was up and the whole room went pitch black and there was shooting stars on the roof.

As the presenter walk on to the stage he was talking about the animations from all around the world. And New Zealand was the last to show. The first animation was from paris. It was about this kid with a mum as a aeroplan. And he thought she was the best in the world because she stopped a storme. Then the boy started to talk about his dad being a boat.

The movie that is my favorite was the dwarfs doing back flips into a pool. That was the highlight of the day because the animation looked so realistic. And another animation was the heir song. It was the green square monster looking thing singing about hair. If its long if its short and stuff like that.

After all that we waited for most of the kids to leave. Then we walk back to the bus and went on the way back to school. As we got to the school we had lunch.       

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Today me and my dad sandpapered and repainted the car to green. We did this all in one day at home it was a good gole to finish. I was sprised that we did it all in one day. My dad was releaved that it was done because we never got to finish it. The best thing about it was I got to help my dad with the car. That was the fun thing.

What I thought about this is that it could be a goal for me to help my dad with a car. I like to get my hands dirty with motor bikes and cars it fun because my dad dose it too. That is one of the jobs that I want to do when I am older. It is a good paying job if you have the ticks to be an engineer.

It came out like me and my dad thought it looks good as new. We also got new weals it looks good too. I am happy how it is now and now we have a W.O.F. My high light was that we got all done and we finished it of proply.

Sonny immersion assembly.

Today at Pt England school we had a immersion assembly for term 3. When I teared up at school the teachers were all dressed up and there was four bikes in the hall. Miss Tito was on one of them. She was piddling on the bike for a bit. Well Mr Jacobson was riding his mountain bike into the hall.

After that team 1 presented a movie that was made in the holidays by the team 1 teachers. The teachers were drest up in the colours of different countries. And the movie was all about the term metaphor game on. Also Miss George was pretending to be the Queen. Team 2 teachers had a athletic video. In the video Miss She was racing usain bolt. And in that video Miss Garmin was also the queen.

Team 3 also had a sports video and the teachers were competing against each other. It was so funny because you could see the light switch in the background of the video. Team 4 was my favorite because the teachers were having a potato scalping competition and Mr Goodwin got  solafide for showing off. And in the potato scalping dewing the competition Miss Gardin cheating she took the other teachers potato thin she got solafide.

Team 5  had the teachers in different countries and Miss Clack when she was on holiday she took a picture of Kim kardashian but Kim didint know. And Mr burt was taking selfey in different countries. And we the school had to guess where he is. There was hits in the backgrounds of the countries. Miss Paget was in alabama watching the blue angels and that was the end of team 5 video.           

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Future aspersion.

Future aspersion.
Today team 5 had to go into the street to see the three visitors from future aspersion.Andrew told us there names Arizona, Jason, Alfred. They came to see team 5 to talk about their jobs and inspire us to become better people when we are older to be a good role model so nothing can replace us.They want us to get a good job in life.

The person that inspired me the most was Arizona. Because she was not good at school and that was a negative thing and she turned that around into a positive and she became a speech talker and talks in front of heaps of people all around New Zealand.Thats why she was a good influence on team 5.

The job that I want to do when I am older is an Architect.That is the job that I have wanted to do Since 4 years ago. Since Arizona came it feels like I am closer to get my dream job when I am older. Just before it ended they had a couple of questions to end the little lecture and we went back to class to write about it.          

Monday, 30 June 2014

Sonny's term 2 reflection.

                          Term 2 reflection.

Ultimately for this term its been ok. Its been hard at times like our sound instruments that had to be finished last week. But not much kids in class 5 finished their instruments.We had tech think planner to make our instruments. It has to make three different sounds one of the sounds has to be a c note.

One of the other things we had to make this term was our college . We had to draw an outline of a instrument. I draw a triangle and we had to fade the colours into each other. Start off with black thin orange and black mixed thin just orange fade to red thin at the end fade to white and orange.

The thing that was the highlight of the term was science with Mr Barks we got to experiment with solid, liquid and gas. We got to boil coke a cola until it was sugar. Also we got to experiment with a burning can and thin you drop it face down in water room temperature thin it will shrivel up in a blink of an eye.    

Friday, 27 June 2014

Sonny's Plant and Food Research Science Visit.

Plant and Food Research Science Visit.

Today we had special visit from Plant and Food Research. Class 5,4 and 3 had to meet the three visitors in the street. The three important visitors gave us their names Jacob,Lara and Lora. Plant Food Researcher make different sorts of fruits and flowers.   

Meanwhile the first experiment was how they manipulate the juices of household obedeces like mr muscle,cabbage juice and vinegar. They do this to see what one has the most bass and acid to make it taste better. The one with the most assed  will take over and stay the same colour.

Looking at Jacob with the second experiment in the box there was dry ice and a glass jug full of water. He puts protective gloves on so he can handle the dry ice. He grabs a handful of the dry ice and put it  in the jug then it creates gas. Dry ice is made of cabondeoxside been frozzen way below zero.       

Eventually it came to and end, with the last experiment. When the visitors had to mix different sorts of liquids to make a gunge. That was a solid and a liquid. If you squeeze the gunge it becomes a solid, but when you leave the gunge it becomes a liquid.  

Afterwards Jacob ask us if we had any questions some people put there hands up. And someone ask if they like their job and they said yes. The people that put their hand up for the questions got a bit of the gunge, but at the end I got a little bit off Jacob.     

Monday, 23 June 2014

Sonny home alone.

                     Home alone.

One dark and raining night as the winter breeze blows under the front door. At that time I was thinking that someone was there, at my front door.However when I went to look I hear a bang. In the kitchen. I stopped and did not want to move a muscle. I heard footsteps running fast it slows down as it gets to the living room door. Then It comes closer and I look with tears in my eyes the cat whats the cat doing inside the house.After that I went into the kitchen, and the bin was tipped over “that was what the bang was”.

As soon as I put the cat outside. I walk to the  living room to watch t.v. I heard a knock at the door. I thought not to open it, but as I get to the door I took a peek through the window and know one was there. I soon thought that it was my dad trying to trick me.But there was and another  knock at the door I thought that someone was trying to rob the house.

Meanwhile I went to make me an ice cream to get over all of this. It was chocolate.Soon as I watch t.v taking the first bite of the ice cream I heard the window slam close.I went to look and nothing was there. At that moment I heard a knock at the door again I went to look and it was my dad. And when he came home I felt safe and went to bed.            


Monday, 16 June 2014

A.F.L at ptengland school.


On thursdays we have (A.F.L) Australian Football League.Our coach is Tim he has been showing us how to do moves like a drop punt Ice cream scoop.The rules he gave us was lasis away from faces that means the lasis on the ball away from your face. And the other rule was point your toe where you want it to go, so if you point your toe at the person and kick the ball and it will go that way.

At the start we did warm ups like traffic lights its a game and this is how you play. You have to run around the hall when he say high way we run fast when he says redlight we stop.And the other games like stuck in the mud but that was the week before we had Tim.

We also have it this week as well and it is fun because he showed us how to pass better than I could.This week on thursday I think we have a different coach. Because befor Tim we had a girl coach her name was Emily on that day we were outside on the field, but when we had Tim we was in the hall.

We were there for  45 mins it didn't feel that long but it was fun that is why it was so fast because it was a good time.Then we had to go back to class for morning tea.      


Monday, 9 June 2014


Swimming at glen innes aquatic center.


Every day this week until friday we are going swimming at the Glen Innes aquatic center.We walk down because its down the road from our school. If we do not bring our togs  we have to do line or, we have to wear these ugly swim shorts. But if we bring the medical note we don't have to swim.

We have already  gone swimming. But our class was just taking over another class swimming time because they weren't  going on there time.
Its not fun swimming I don't like it because its too hot at the pools so I don't know why we right lines.

We walk back to school  at five mins to three oclock. When we get back to class we have to wait in our class until our teacher comes back. Then the bell went then we went home.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Sonny science road show

      Science roadshow !!

On thursday class 5 and 2 went to the science roadshow, at Tamaki college.We had to pay 8 dollars to go, we walked there its just down, the road from our school.When we got there we had to wait in a 2 lines, then the presenta came out the door he explained the rules.

When we got inside the tamaki college hall there was heaps of science experiments. The tall mans name was Shayn he look like a giant. We sat down and a man was showing the in side of our bodies. How we move our muscles that makes our bones move.He showed us how long our small intestine is, its long.

Above all my 2 favorite activities that I enjoyed the most was the infrared camera and the 3D pig it looked like you could touch it, but when I tried you couldn't. And the thing I learnt was that diesel is heavier than gas,oil, wood.  

Then the lady called Ana made an explosion with a balloon. The first explosion was big but then she said that was just a small one compared to the next one. The next one was so big  that it shook the ground. Then ana done the draw it had everyone's name that came in it the first name that was me and this girl I don't know who it was.Then we went back to school for morning tea.
Sonny science roadshow .png
This is it !!!


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Online Science lab !!

In class 5 we are learning about sounds high frequency and low frequency. We have been online on sound science lab its when you match the high or low frequency sounds . We have been researching heaps about sound and collecting data.

We are observations what we know, what we wonder, what I learnt. I have learnt that when you talk into a vacuum you can not hear your self.
We have been learning about this from the start of the term 2 it is cool what I learnt about sound.


What I learnt in sound.

I learnt that if you talk into a vacuum you can't hear it. I learnt that whenever you talk it send sound waves to your ears.Sound can be so loud that it could be able to pop your ear drums.Sound waves that are closer together are high pitch, and if  the sound waves are far apart it’s low pitch.
sonny web.jpg

Friday, 9 May 2014


Every week once a week class 5 goes to the hall for fitness, and our fitness is badminton that is a sport that our class is doing for four weeks.We learnt new skills like backhand and forehand we also had a competition with our buddies, and if you miss the shatil you sit down.

Our coach was Rob he was teaching us the skill to master the badminton racket it  was hard.I have played badminton befor , I am a bit rusty now,  but I was good before that long time not playing.We also had to see how much we can it with a backhand my was 21, and with my forehand I got 35.

It was so so fun, and we fished it all off with a talk about the way you hold it like backhand and forehand.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

What I in the term holidays !!!

In the holidays we went  to Taranaki the suburb was Hawera , to get my little brother Michael. We drove  there in a car it was a five hour trip one way, and five hours back to Auckland. When we got to out of Auckland I sleep for one hour and a bit. When I woke up we stopped for lunch in the closest suburb, and we got fish and chips. We stopped to eat our lunch at a beach I don't know why we stopped there.

When we got to Taranaki my dad woke me up “I said how long now” he said where are here. He stopped outside this house went up and knock on the front door of the house, and this lady answered and my dad said to the lady is michael here. And the lady said no I don’t know a Michael.

So he got back in the car and he drove away not looking back. Then we got to the right house and my little brother Michael was ready to go he was waiting for us outside on his front lawn. He got in the car then we were off back to home sweet home.  

Monday, 14 April 2014

Sonny's empathy collage

         Empathy collage

What does empathy mean:Put yourself in their shoes-connect-others-help-feel-look.

Our teacher Miss Paget set class 5 a task to do the task was a empathy poster in the 45 mins.
The poster had to relate to the pictures and to show what empathy means to you and others.We have to write on the poster words like connect and help,others,look and feel this is related to empathy.On the poster we had images that we got of the internet,and it  look likes empathy.

The instruction that we got from our teacher.Were to get one bit of A1 size of paper each from the teachers desk, there were pastils at each group of desks.Miss Paget printed off the images that we got off the internet and we got them off her desk.

When we finished the task Miss Paget set for class 5 one of the students walk around the class grabbing the colleges and put them on her disk.


Why is the moon upside down.?

Why is the moon upside down well I will well you why, well this is why the moon s upside down because we are at the bottom of the earth which would make us look at it from upside down. As Japan they are at the tiptop of earth so they would likely be looking at it straight on so it would look different to them,but not much different to us.

When did you know that New Zealand saw the moon upside down.any counter in the southern hemisphere see the moon upside down.In the nothern hemisphere they see the moon how Japan see the moon, not upside down.

do you know what looks different        
Nz                                                            Japan

Sonny's Math DLO WALT use 5 times tables to work out other multiplication questions.

Monday, 31 March 2014

PE at Tamaki College

PE at Tamaki College
Every week once a week on friday all the years 8, and 7 go to Tamaki college. We go to Tamaki college after morning tea to do PE/physical education.We don't get there by bus all of us walk even the teachers, the good thing is that is a little bit of exercise to warm our muscles.And we all got split up in to group of 11 or 12.

Our exercise coaches are year 12 so they would be 16 or older and they are all from Tamaki College. All of us had fun activates, one is walk the plank.That is when you walk along a plank
and you got to get all the team across the plank to the blue mat, and if you step on the ground before all the team is on you have to restart all over again.

There was an exercise that is called the electric fence it was a high jump pole with a small thin mat about 3cm wide my friend throwed my other friend over because he could not make it by his self it was too big he was not as tall as it .

When it is about to go the students from Tamaki college gave all of our team a mars bar.Then we all went to our class teacher and lined up. And we was the way back to school.I was in the front of the line with Miss Paget that is our class teacher. it was a boring walk back to school.

So I was talking to some of my friends then we got back to school and it was 10 mins to the lunch bell went. We just did math whizz.Math whizz is a website that help us with our mathematics. Then it was lunch time the bell went.

At the end I was so so tired to walk back to school in the state that I was in I am so so unfit
for the stuff I do now in the sports I do. it was a fun day at Tamaki College because they had the sports that I like.And we are going this week.


Thursday, 20 March 2014

Science with Mr Barks

Every day in class 5 we make our way to go to class 1 with Mr Barks, and we do science.We are learning about dens and mass, but last week we was learning about gas,solids and liquids.We got to 4 ingredients corn syrup,vegetable oil,dish washing liquid, water.We had a 3 shot glasses one with corn syrup one with vegetable oil one with dish washing liquid.

When we put the second heaviest which was dishwashing liquid the dish washing liquid stayed on top of the first heaviest which was corn syrup.Then we add the vegetable oil and that stayed on top of the dish washing liquid.Because it is lighter than the rest, but the dish washing liquid was not the heaviest that is why it floats.The corn syrup has the heaviest molacus.    


Friday, 14 March 2014

I am learning to

Record and upload audio 

In class 5 I made a vocaroo voice record and it was what I am learning so what I was learning is fractions. click on the link. 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Sonny Empathy class 5

Empathy is when a person falls down and you help them without hesitation.
'Empathy is the ability to see the world as another person, to share and understand another person’s feelings, needs, concerns and/or emotional state.

Empathy is a term that is often misunderstood. This page attempts to describe 'empathy' and suggest ways that we can become more empathetic towards others. Empathy is perhaps the most advanced of all communication skills.

The term “empathy” is used to describe a wide range of experiences. Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.

Contemporary researchers often differentiate between two types of empathy: “Affective empathy” refers to the sensations and feelings we get in response to others’ emotions; this can include mirroring what that person is feeling, or just feeling stressed when we detect another’s fear or anxiety.

“Cognitive empathy,” sometimes called “perspective taking,” refers to our ability to identify and understand other peoples’ emotions. Studies suggest that people with autism spectrum disorders have a hard time empathizing.Empathy seems to have deep roots in our brains and bodies, and in our evolutionary history.

Elementary forms of empathy have been observed in our primate relatives, in dogs, and even in rats. Empathy has been associated with two different pathways in the brain, and scientists have speculated that some aspects of empathy can be traced to mirror neurons, cells in the brain that fire when we observe someone else perform an action in much the same way that they would fire if we performed that action ourselves.

Research has also uncovered evidence of a genetic basis to empathy, though studies suggest that people can enhance (or restrict) their natural empathic abilities.
Having empathy doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll want to help someone in need, though it’s often a vital first step toward compassionate action.