Then it was us the year 7 boy's Mr Burt was telling us the track then he said are you all ready and we waited for him to say on your marks get set go then we all started to run and i was in the middle and when i was running mud was flicking up in my face
At the starting all the house captains were doing there cheer Takitimu is my group the the colour is yellow the other colours are red,green,blue the names are Te Arawa Mataatua Tainui. The cross country was a cool fun run. the first person was in Takitimu his name was Jonathan that is yellow
At the ending when I finished I was waiting for Kori lee then we saw Clevelyn he was so so muddy
all on his face and cloves and his head and Anthony was so so muddy to and Shayne was as well I seen him jump in to the mud. When I finished I got a drink of a little cup fowater at the stand Iwas still thirsty then the bell went at three o clock
then we got our bags and went home.
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